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my notable work
online video
The Creature Stream (with help from bliss and collin lueb)
The Mario Party Stream (made alongside aracelis, bliss, linus & wyatt potter)
a normal creepypasta retrospective (made alongside hazel m. as "the m. sisters")
acting/writing for DEMENZA'S GATE (made by gabrial b. james) (coming soon)
divine hammer (made alongside hazel m. as "the m. sisters") (coming soon)
video games
Late Night Confessional (made alongside aracelis & piper as "pincushion heart") (coming soon)
Publishing Ly-OS Impetus as "pincushion heart"
my name is mae m.
my name is mae m.
i make things ~
i fell in love with twitch streaming then fell head first into writing, filmmaking, acting, game development and weird craigslist dogs.
if you wanna contact me for anything business related you can send me an email at mae@maedotmkv.com
any inquires about me & hazels film work should be sent to film@maedotmkv.com
all of my other important links can be found below: